Flybook Memphis? Flybook Taiwan? Hello?

Well, it sounds like Flybook Memphis no longer exists. One reader actually drove to the location but found it all closed up. Another reader is leaving messages at and not getting a response.

Most of the vendors who previously sold the V5 now have comments up “while supplies last,” “limited availability,” “out of stock.” Not good.

This is really sad… Dialogue has a great product, but they really seem to be having trouble with the business side of things.

For those of you needing support and assistance, I’m afraid I don’t have any answers – I’m in the dark as much as you are.

Update 2009-02-10:

Hey, we’ve heard from Flybook. Roland Pinto sent me an email and would like to sit and talk a bit about where Flybook is going, but as I’m still all wrapped up in the whole burglary thing I’m going to have to put it off for a couple of weeks.

However, Barron of Flybook posted the comment below (but in response to a different blog post). I thought it worthwhile to repeat it here:

Barron, on February 9th, 2009 at 1:11 pm Said:

Hello there to all that have posted questions about our support facilities. Yes, we have decided to close down Memphis.

We are servicing systems out of two places now. One is in the midwest and one on the west coast. Depending on where your Flybook resides, when you request service, it will be sent to one of those two facilities.

Should anyone have any issues or problems with the Flybook that you own, please, send us an email to and you will get an immediate response from our technical support resources.

Thank you all for owning Flybook as we continue to build and grow our company here in North America. We will also start to monitor this wonderful blog and start to involve ourselves in the blog entries that our wonderful users are leaving. So, please, ask anything and we thank you very much for your love of our products.

6 Responses

  1. Well, I am posting this mostly out of desperation. It would appear that DTC is still paying attention to this site, so I am requesting that you post this as a request for assistance on my part to Mr. Pinto.

    I will not go into a large number of details, but I have ordered a custom system from them and, while they have provided me with something, it is not what I ordered. I have been attempting to work this out with Mr. Pinto (in person on some occasions) and as of yet we have been unable to come to a proper resolution. I have been working with Mr. Pinto personally for six months now. I have everything documented completely to show what I ordered, the conversations we have had, etc.

    I am willing to accept a compromise, but to this point, Mr. Pinto has led me to believe that we could accomplish delivering what I originally ordered. I am finding it difficult to believe at this point that they will be able to deliver the original order (I ordered a 120GB HDD, Windows XP instead of Vista, an extra battery, and a couple of other things, none of which I have received after six months of trying to work this out).

    I have tried calling his cell number and just get VM (yes, I have his cell number).

    Roland has been polite every time I have managed to contact him, but I feel that six months is more than reasonable time to work something out.

    Please, should you hear from Mr. Pinto, let him have my email address (he’ll recognize the name) and let him know the following:

    I have tried to work this out, but unless we come to a final resolution, he is going to have one very verbose very upset customer on his hands. I understand that the economy is tough right now (it is on everybody) but if Dialogue has any hopes of ramping their business back up in the future the kind of publicity they will receive from me will not be the kind that will assist in that process. And I assure you there will be publicity.

    I apologize, newt, if this is more stern than what most might consider appropriate, but I am at the end of my rope.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  2. So, in the week that has passed, have you been updated on where to send the equipment? Odd that there is no way to get that from the flybook website.

  3. I tried to get a business address after I got a response from the email posted. All I got was a PO Box. So, where are these alleged locations in the Midwest and West Coast? Very frustrating, indeed.

  4. Not having an actual address isn’t very confidence-inspiring, I’ll agree.

  5. Further update – I managed to contact Roland by cell again – I found out he was in a very important business meeting so I started calling and letting it ring off the hook. He finally answered me the fourth time around, and was quite addled. I got him to admit that he had at least received my last email, in which I detailed a compromise to work out my personal situation. He promised me then that he would contact me soon. That was Thursday afternoon – no word from him yet.

    I’ll keep y’all posted as this develops, but for now, I must say that I certainly would not recommend the company simply for their non-existent customer service.

  6. I bought a V5, thought it was a great deal, even if a bit expensive at almost $3k. However, I took the plunge. I regret buying this unit from the beginning. The GPS that was supposed to be there is not, and the machine runs HOT HOT HOT. Also, for that kind of money I could get a powerhouse desktop and a good laptop and still have enough money left to goto Vegas for a week! Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)…

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