Can’t install Vista SP1 – not enough room on C:

Ok, they won’t make this easy, will they. While the SP1 download is only around 400MB (only) you need to have over 2GB of free space on the drive that has the operating system installed. My Flybook came partitioned into a c: and d: drive and while I’ve installed all my programs on D: and moved both my public and “personal” profiles to d:, I only have a little over 1GB free. Grrr.

I think the only thing I can do at this point is to use Disk Cleanup to remove my hibernation file (same size as installed RAM – 2GB in my case). Hopefully, once SP1 is installed, I can restore it (assuming I’ll have 2GB free after the install). I sure hope so – I use “hybrid sleep” where I put the unit to sleep but when it comes close to battery totally dying it writes off the RAM to the hibernation file (the answer to my “Hotter than Hades” post if anyone is curious).

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